Tell Us About Your ProjectPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastPhone *Email *Project Details. What type of property is this? (e.g., residential, commercial, office, etc.) Is this a new project or a renovation of an existing space? *Preferred Timeline. When would you like the project to be completed? Do you have any specific deadlines or events that require completion by a certain date? *Budget. What is your budget range for the interior decorating project? * *Style and Preferences. How would you describe your preferred interior decorating style or aesthetic? Are there any specific design themes or inspirations you'd like to incorporate? * *Specific Rooms. Which rooms/areas would you like to prioritize for the interior decorating project? *Color and Mood Preferences. Are there any specific colors or color palettes you prefer or wish to avoid in your home decor? What mood or atmosphere do you want to create in the space? * *Lifestyle and Family. Do you have any children or pets? Any specific considerations related to them?Existing Furniture and Items. Are there any existing furniture or decor items that you would like to keep or incorporate into the design? * *Accessibility and Special Requirements. Are there any accessibility needs or special requirements that need to be considered in the design?Inspiration and Influences. Photos or magazine clippings that showcase your design preferences. Links to Pinterest or Houzz ideabooks can be included in the question below.Additional Information. Is there any other information or specific requests you'd like to share with us about the project?Please enter any links to documents/folders that you wish to share (e.g. ideas, samples etc) Or Email files to Info@designocd.comSubmit